Bye-bye chemo clinic… p.s. check all your favourite breasts!

It’s July and I’m officially done with ALL the drugs! No more tri-weekly blood draws and IVs!  My arm can now heal and I don’t have to darken the doors of the chemo clinic until my next oncologist appointment in September. Yay!! Kelly and I celebrated the double f-you to cancer with double French bubbles a few weeks back. It was a long time in coming. #pincushionnomore

The majority of breast cancer patients have years of hormone suppression drugs ahead of them after they are done all their other other treatments. I consider it a silver lining of my tumour type (ER-, PR-, HER2+) that those drugs are not helpful for me. I’m hopeful my body will soon be happy too.  I’m still a bit tired and have funny tummy sometimes but I’m told this will let up. The year of Perjeta/Herceptin has had a cumulative effect.  #breakonthroughtotheotherside

On the advice of many wise souls, I’ve started a gradual return to work these last few months.  I have the privilege of working with an amazingly supportive team that I am forever thankful for.  I’m thrilled to be there.  It turns out that the accomplishment I feel in doing something useful at work far outpasses any feeling I get after finding a missing baseball jersey or remembering to check my Alexa grocery list before getting to the checkout.   #weallhaveourstrengths

Grandpa Ed and Grandma Cheryl visited just before his birthday and Cameron got in lots of model airplane time.

While Aaron was away in May doing Microsoft Global Summit stuff, we took Grandma Judy on a mini getaway to Vancouver Island. It was super fun.

We’ve had a fun and busy spring with both kids playing field hockey for the first time this year and Kayla playing softball.  The softball progress from last year has been remarkable. The team plays actual games!  They even pitch to the opposition and steal bases!  We have an amazing group of parent volunteer coaches who have never ending patience and LOVE both the girls and the game.  #iamthankfulforthem

We also got a bonus spring visit to St. Joseph’s island in Ontario for the wedding of Uncle Steve and Auntie Beth this year!  We had been looking forward to this occasion for many years and it lived up to all our expectations.  The kids and their cousins were adorable flower girls and ring bearers, Aaron played a beautiful song on the piano and we got to meet Banks (dog of the bride and groom)!  The kids danced all night long and we got to close out with my Sharon Lois and Bram favourite, “Skinamarinky-dinky-dink”.  Congrats Beth and Steve!!  We love you!  #anothermssauve

Cameron turned 7 while we were away for the wedding.  We celebrated before, during and after the day.  I can’t believe my scoobiedoo is so big!  I made him a snake cake again this year, for the third year running and he chose Grandma Sauve’s crazy banana cake for his actual birthday.  He runs fast, loves soccer and basketball and swimming and biking.  He loves his cats almost as much as Minecraft and brings pretty good game to the Catan board.  #loveyoumycameron

The kids finished grades 1 and 3 this year!  WHAT?!?!?!? Somewhere while that was happening, there were some field trips and PlayLand time and end of school activities and visits with Seattle friends and pool time and a piano recital  #timeflies

Video of Kayla’s first music festival performance

I have completed piecing together the childcare tetris that is working parents’ summer.  It started the first week of July with camp at the Aquarium.  We are looking forward to more camping and pool time and some family vacation time.  Mostly I’m just so happy that the warm weather means jackets are optional. #yaysummer #thankyougrandmajudy

Aaron and I are going to do the Ride to Conquer Cancer in August with the crazy big Horny Goats team full of people from my work. Over 100 of them did it in 2018 for the 10th year anniversary – a record! It’s a 2-day, 200km bike ride from Cloverdale to Hope in late August. I walked by this sign many many times on treks to the Cancer Agency this winter. The BC Cancer Agency is a leader in groundbreaking research that makes big differences in the treatment options for cancer patients all around the world. I’ve had options available to me this past year that weren’t there not so very long ago and I am so grateful.  I think I finally have all the gear I need for the Ride so expect to get hit up for donations soon…  in fact… here are the links should you want to put any charitable giving this year in this area –> our Ride fundraising pages (Aaron & Cheryl). #theBCridetoconquercancer.

The hair… everyone asks if I’m going to keep it short and punky like it is right now.  At the moment I’m planning to grow my hair back out to at least as long as it was before it fell out.  I sort of feel like it was stolen from me, so my mission is to get it back (take that, cancer!), and then who knows?  Maybe I’ll chop it all off, but if I do, it will be on my terms.  Or, maybe getting through the awkward length stage that I’m rapidly approaching will make me throw that plan out the window.  #thehairwasabigpartofthisforme

A quick shout out to remind everyone out there that early detection of all cancers is crucial for surviving/thriving after/with cancer.  Check your breasts and/or remind all the people with boobs you care about to do the same.  And not just breasts, pay attention to what your entire body is telling you.  Listen to it, and go see your doctor if something isn’t adding up.  #psa #fcancer

May summer bring you the right amount of sunshine and blue skies and bike rides and lake time and patio time.  XOXOXOX



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Tomorrow marks one year to the day I got the phone call with the cancer news.

It’s been a super crazy year, but I’m happy to report that I’m starting to come out of the fog. This is thanks to my Aaron, my family and my friends, who have wrapped me in a bubble of love and support. I’ll also give a shout out to modern medicine, scientific research and the nurses, doctors, therapists of all kinds, and other cancer survivors who’ve crossed my path over the last 365 days.

Now although I like this cartoon, I scrubbed the word “cure” off the sword handle. I’m quite aware that for some people, the beast awakens, no matter how much kick-ass fight someone puts forward. That said, all my actuarial knowledge is useful enough to tell me my odds look excellent.

I finished radiation January 8 and spent a sleepy cold month walking around the neighbourhood listening to podcasts and napping on my couch under the electric blanket I got for Christmas. My hair has continued to grow… no curls, but it’s better than bald. This is the latest, unmakeuped couch selfie, complete with professional deletion of ALL the grey. I’m starting to reach cowlick stage, this is going to be fun…

Couching it with Charlie meant I made some progress on my cross stitch project! My estimated complete date is still at least 2020…

We’ve enjoyed some family skiing and somewhere in there Kayla turned 9.

Oh, and snow appeared in the neighbourhood. It was fun for about 2 days, now I’m ready for spring.

I have finished 11 out of 17 rounds of Herceptin and should be done that and the Perjeta by summer. I think when I can happily not return to the chemo room every 3 weeks, I will feel slightly more free of this diagnosis. Assuming the fog lifting trend holds, I’m hoping to start back to work gradually this spring.

In the meantime, we are off for some R&R time with grandma and my “S” friends: Sun, Sand, Sea and Surf.

May February 22, 2019 be delightfully “unremarkable” for us all.

P.S. Random clips below… I felt like these were good enough to share – note the cartoon date, 1959. A girl after my own heart.

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